An Internet of things

Musings on iOS and PHP development, IOT and other bits and pieces

'Epic refactorings' - Melbourne Cocoaheads June 2011

Luke Cunningham (@icaruswings) and I presented a talk at the June 2011 Cocoaheads meet up titled “Epic refactorings and patterns to make your code awesome!”.

Luke and Jesse's lightbulb moment

The topic was inspired by a number of design patterns we employed while developing the new iPad application. We highlighted some of shortcomings we found with UIViewController and demonstrated our end result - ViewCoordinator

The book highlighted in the presentation is Agile Software Development. Principles, Patterns, and Practices by Bob Martin. The two design patterns we highlight form the book were single responsibility and Interface segregation.

Melbourne Cocoaheads 06/2011 - Talk 2 - Luke Cunningham & Jesse Collis from Oliver Jones on Vimeo.

The slides are available on Slide Share.

Note: the video’s audio is quite average.
